G 652D
Production started in 2016. A standard single-mode fiber is a thin (8-10 µm) core made of glass alloyed by Germanium surrounded by a thicker layer of pure glass. Supplies of colored optical fiber E3 (G652D) are possible.
Specification E3 (G652D)Specification E3 (G652D) 2%
Specification E3 (G652D) 200 Specification E3 (G652D) 200 2%
Bending-loss insensitive fiber
Single-mode optical fiber with low water peak "E3 (G657A1/G652D)" is a fiber with a reduced sensitivity to bends. The fiber is produced by vapor axial deposition method (VAD) with a quartz core alloyed with Germanium. It complies with the recommendations ITU-T G.652D and G.657A1. Supplies of colored optical fiber E3 (G657A1/G652D) are possible.
Production started in 2017
Specification E3 (G657A1/G652D) 2018_Specification_E3 (G657A1G652D) ALPHA_en.pdf Specification E3 (G657A1/G652D)_200G 657.A2
Fiber with a reduced sensitivity to bends for communication systems
Singlemode optical fiber with low water peak Е3 (G.657.A2) hybrid with advanced characteristics is a fiber with a reduced sensitivity to bends has the ability to function over the entire spectrum of optical transmission of singlemode fibers.
Production since 2021
Спецификация Е3 (G.657.A2)G 654E
Cut-off Wavelength Shifted Single Mode Optical Fiber
Advanced pure silica core single mode optical fiber with low transmission losses over long distances for the construction of high-performance optical telecommunications networks such as terrestrial long-distance communication systems and submarine trunk cables with optical amplifiers.
Production since 2021
Specification E2 (G654E)G 651
Multimode graded index fiber
In a standard multimode graded index fiber the core diameter is 50 and 62,5 µm which is a bigger value than transmission wavelength. This leads to propagation of plenty of different light rays – modes – in all the three transmission windows. Two transmission windows – 850 and 1300 nm are usually used to transmit the light along a multimode fiber.
Production is planned
G 655
Non-zero dispersion-shifted single-mode optical fiber
Single-mode optical fiber with non-zero shifted dispersion and small inclination of dispersion curve is used for long-distance fiber-optic systems of data transmission with DWDM (dense wavelength division multiplexing) that work in C- and L-ranges.
Production is planned