
11 March 2024

PJSC "Rostelecom" and JSC "Optic fiber Systems" will jointly accelerate the development of advanced domestic technologies for the creation of optical fibers

The leading Russian provider of digital services and solutions Rostelecom PJSC (further Rostelecom) and the only Russian manufacturer of optical fiber "Optic fiber Systems" JSC (further OVS) have signed a cooperation agreement aimed at accelerating the development of technology for the production of optical fiber used as optical fibers in high-performance telecommunications cables.

As a result of joint qualification tests with Rostelecom, OVS fully confirmed the quality of the main brands of manufactured fibers, and in 2023, optical fibers G.657.A1/G.652.D Long Distance and G.654.E for new brands of communication backbone with improved characteristics were successfully tested.

Rostelecom has been successfully using optical fiber cables manufactured using OVS products for years, including the projects of the program to eliminate digital inequality, in the construction of access networks, in the laying of fiber-optic communication lines (FOCL) in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, beyond the Arctic circle in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and others.

For example, during the construction of the new trans-Eurasian fiber-optic communication line " FOCL TEA NEXT" Rostelecom uses a cable with advanced optical fiber of the OVS type G.654.E, which is included in " The list of goods, works, and services that meet the criteria for classification as innovative high-tech products " and is used for the first time in our country.

Advanced single mode optical fiber G.654 has low transmission losses over long distances for the construction of high-performance optical telecommunications networks such as terrestrial long-distance communication systems and submarine trunk cables with optical amplifiers.

The key feature of the TEA NEXT project is the use of the most promising G.654.E fibers with attenuation no higher than 0.17 dB/km at a wavelength of 1550 nm and an increased effective transmission area of 125 microns, whereas for standard optical fibers of the G.652 family, the permissible typical attenuation value reaches 0.2 dB/km effective transmission area of 80 microns.


“Optic fiber Systems” JSC ( – is the first and the only Russian plant manufacturing optical fiber. The plant is situated in Saransk, Mordovia Republic. It was officially opened on 25 September 2015. The shareholders of the company are RUSNANO, Gazprombank and the Government of Mordovia Republic.

Optical fiber is the main component of optic cables for signal transmission in modern communication networks. Fiber is also used as a sensor for monitoring deformation, temperature, acoustics and other indicators.

"Optic fiber Systems" JSC produces telecommunication optical fibers of standards G652 and G 657 A1 including those with reduced diameter of 200 microns; provides services on optical fiber coloring and the application of ring marks "ringmarking". Optical fibers of new types such as G651 and G655 are being prepared for release. Products are certified in Russia and the quality is confirmed by "Rostelecom" PJSC, Russia's leading cable companies and foreign consumers.

According to the results of certification, optical fiber was approved for use on the networks of the largest Russian Telecom operators Rostelecom, MTS, MegaFon and others.

Manufacturing capacity of the plant is 4 mln kilometers of optical fiber per year.