
22 July 2024

Optic fiber Systems confirmed its readiness to start an experiment on marking

The Optic fiber Systems conducted the first experiment of marking fiber optic products. The codes were applied to the labels of three reels, the total length of which was 151.2 kilometers.

The experiment on marking optical fibers and fiber-optic cables is taking place in Russia from December 1, 2023 to December 1, 2024. Participation in the pilot for business is free and voluntary; equipment for the duration of the pilot is provided free of charge by the operator CRPT (Center for Research in Perspective Technologies - operator of the Chestny ZNAK state track & trace system).

“Our company, as the only manufacturer of optical fiber in Russia, immediately joined the marking experiment. We believe that the experiment was successful - the codes were read and the process itself didn’t cause any difficulties. In addition, we have completed the integration of the product traceability system of «Optic fiber Systems» JSC and the state marking system “Chestny ZNAK”. The company confirmed its technical readiness for the start of mandatory requirements. We thank CRPT for their assistance and technical support in the implementation of the project,” - Andrey Nikolaev, General Director of «Optic fiber Systems» JSC.


“Optic fiber Systems” JSC ( – is the first and the only Russian plant manufacturing optical fiber. The plant is situated in Saransk, Mordovia Republic. It was officially opened on 25 September 2015. The shareholders of the company are RUSNANO, Gazprombank and the Government of Mordovia Republic.

Optical fiber is the main component of optic cables for signal transmission in modern communication networks. Fiber is also used as a sensor for monitoring deformation, temperature, acoustics and other indicators.

"Optic fiber Systems" JSC produces telecommunication optical fibers of standards G652 and G 657 A1 including those with reduced diameter of 200 microns; provides services on optical fiber coloring and the application of ring marks "ringmarking". Optical fibers of new types such as G651 and G655 are being prepared for release. Products are certified in Russia and the quality is confirmed by "Rostelecom" PJSC, Russia's leading cable companies and foreign consumers.

According to the results of certification, optical fiber was approved for use on the networks of the largest Russian Telecom operators Rostelecom, MTS, MegaFon and others.

Manufacturing capacity of the plant is 4 mln kilometers of optical fiber per year.